FTQ: How Did You Become a WordPress Developer?

Today’s Frequently Thought Question:

Something I get asked about a lot is my educational background and how I got started in web development.

In this video, I want to share my journey to web development. My path to development was not particularly direct. I don’t have a computer science degree or any kind of background in tech.

When I got started in web development, things were less than ideal financially for our family. I’m hoping that sharing my story can encourage other people who feel that maybe their background or situation precludes them from succeeding at it.

11 Comments on “FTQ: How Did You Become a WordPress Developer?”

  1. How would one go about fixing the issue of no longer being able to edit the page builder from a theme. My web designer took off to another country last year after taking $800. Now my theme won't work but I've invested money time and I love the theme but need help with a few things.

  2. When did you started to learn and how much time it had taken fefore you got you first job?

  3. You have nailed it! You are rockstar sorry I have been watching zach lately… hangover 3

  4. Yeeey! big up for Hope! I hope I get your support on my upcoming projects, hopefully, by the way who is amanda??

  5. Hey developer I like you, cause I have also learned by trial and error to learn so I think you are awesome!

  6. I think wordpress now is just like a plug in play. You can easily build website through that CMS. If you don't have time we can help you developed wordpress website.

  7. thank you so much for sharing us your story im new in this area i start learn HTML i hope be good and be web developer one day … thank you so much

  8. Thanks a lot! i'm in a kind of same situation and I am a beginner, i had no confidence to be honest:( thanks again!

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