How To Motivate Yourself – The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation

How To Motivate Yourself – The secrets of creating lasting motivation to accomplish your goals.

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Video Summary:
Somewhere between watching a motivational video (very ineffective), or someone kicking your butt, lies the vast wasteland of hoped-for outcomes. Self-motivation is often a problematic victim of vague, wimpy goals; lack of sufficient visualization; or failing to reinforce the ratchets in your achievement.

If you’re constantly struggling to stay motivated, it may be that you have the wrong goals, or your life has the wrong purpose. If you’re trying to motivate yourself to accomplish things that don’t embrace your passion, you’ll never get far. If you’re passionless about where you’re headed, you need to pick a new direction. Examine your higher self and what your true, passionate life purpose really is.

Once your direction is aligned with your life purpose, visualize your vivid, specific, and ambitious goals for your life — the bigger the better. You need a detailed map before you can get anywhere. Picture your vision in your mind and on paper to make it more real.

Now build your vision deep into your daily life. Review it daily, post it prominently, journal about it, check in with a mentor daily — whatever it takes to keep you focused on your vision.

17 Comments on “How To Motivate Yourself – The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation”

  1. Do you think that you should have separate visions for each goal or should you have one bigger vision that includes all your goals?

  2. I feel like I can't get my vision clear enough. Do you have any advice for making the vision as clear as possible?

  3. This literally made me day dream for 10 minutes during the video about what's been going on when I started getting more tired and doing other stuff except for football lifting and now I told myself I gotta be motivated by this video got me to motivate myself so I said u know I have other time for them little things right now football is the big thing that's in my life thank you so much I'm subscribing to you!!!!!

  4. Hey there i want to ask you something, do you have someone who be your motivation?

  5. I would like to thank you for posting these videos my good sir. The years hasn't been so kind with me, I was sleep and now that I'm awake things are much harder for me. Its like I keep forgetting! Living in Detroit my options are limited and though I know mentally it can change the outcome but its like I'm fighting myself in a discussion as to if I'm even aware thank I'm consciously aware…well that being said, I consider you a mentor and the necessary tool from the universe to help change my life.

  6. Um, most people know what they WANT to do, but they feel they HAVE to (and ya kinda do!) have a job for MONEY so they can do what they WANT. I'll take it even further and say it's really hard to get jobs that you LOVE to do when you're kind of desperate to pay the rent or eat. Do you cover this in any of your videos? Would love to see that one. Thanks.

  7. Im 31 and have been working in the kitchen at a hospital for 7 years as part time, ive attempted to get full time but others have more seniority and/or there are no full time positions available and they even lay people off, i have a hard time motivating myself getting another job and losing my 7 year seniority, im a little depressed due to the fact that i havent found anything im genuinly interested in for a job, my interests are astronomy and video games, i have no interests as far as available jobs, my interests are more hobby oriented, ive researched trades and careers but nothing is like wow i would love to do that, i have the typical vision/goal of a family and a house with a picket fence, and i have saved enough money to buy a house, but its very hard to do when single and only this 30 hr a week job wont help me keep up the monthly payments on top of paying for my car and regular living expenses, Ive watched alot of your videos and they are very insightful, ive started meditating, do you have any suggestions for this particular situation? 

  8. One thing that I like about your videos that you are not putting music while your speaking which makes your voice be heard clearly.

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