26 Comments on “WATCH THIS! Interesting TED talk on Motivation!”

  1. Hang on a minute did he say he got pregnant at the same time as his wife, wow what a coincidence i guess positive thinking does work.

  2. remember that hard questions have no simple answers? I think this idea to split motivation to love and fear is very silly.
    definitions of love and fear also seems very silly.

  3. Anybody else feeling the need of buying all their products? Wait, what was this TED Talk about?

  4. Hahahahaha I don't know about the motivational part but he is a very good story teller! Once upon a time, there was a company called…LOL!

  5. Stopped at 0:45 to check the comments and see if the video is worth watching…got my answer..lol!

  6. Donnie Darko, anyone? Driven by "Love and Fear". That bitchy teacher came to mind on the spot.

  7. As Eric Belec below says, the speaker is nervous–but he is working though his fear and not letting it keep him from giving his TED talk.
    Eric, have you ever given a TED talk?

  8. I think it's OK to have fear–I don't agree with Nike that we can have "no fear"–but I think we should move forward in spite of our fears and not let them control our actions.

  9. I dont know why people of today spent their time mostly watching some random videos than videos like TED … Videos that can actually give you a life lesson

  10. Incredibly unfocused and rambling speech. One of the worst Ted Talks I've watched, no wonder it's not on TED's actual channel.

  11. Not everything is about logic, love for example it can be totally illogical but it makes us happy and is the best motivator you can get. This guy knows what he's talking about :)

  12. Worst talk on motivation I ever heard. This sounds more of a self promotion to me. In my opinion it does not matter what it is that motivates you but as long as it motivates you and you get the job done. Love, hate, shame, pride, charity it just does not matter. 

  13. Love motivates people? In a sense that is true, but not for everything. It sounds to me like he's trying to put across the Socialist Utopian theory of The New Socialist Man; the theory that people won't need to be paid to do a job, they'll do it for the love of his fellow man. Okay, hands up who wants to do the really dangerous job of diving 200ft deep underwater to repair the leg on that Rig?? I might add that your life expectancy can be reduced doing this job. If you don't do it, it means you don't love us.

    They've tried benevolence before to save a specie from going extinct. Didn't work. So what they did was give people the ability to own the animals. Now the animals can be hunted (for a huge fee) and their numbers begin to flourish. It was the 'market' that saved them, not 'love'.

  14. I admit I only heard about 10 minutes 20 of this but that's because it seemed like (sorry) over half of the video had nothing much said. His definitions of love and fear aren't even close… If you define the words, he's wrong. If you take his definitions to be symbolism… he's wrong. If I love myself (I do) then I can still be self-centred, therefore love is not always caring for others with little to no self-interest. Furthermore and more to the point – enlightened self-interest is the key to improving who you are in order to change the world from the source that is you; Jim Rohn might have said something similar :). Focus MORE on yourself and LESS on others in my opinion, but do so with the intention to someday change the world. I don't work in a soup kitchen for the homeless because I work on myself under the belief/understanding of logic that if I can improve my philosophies sufficiently I could likely save 1000 lives and change 1,000,000, instead of just feeding 1000 and never learning how to be a more capable human being. If I live my life failing to change the world then so long as 100 people try as I did and one is successful, they will have done more than 1000 of us working in soup kitchens for the homeless… Everything we know of works on scale, impact of intentions is no exception. If I intend to improve myself first and foremost then this likely has a far greater impact than any little act I can do for another.

  15. Love this, so inspiring, be fueled by love not by fear. So many things in society drive our fear, things are changing and I love it. Huge supporter! I'm going to go get a kammock.

  16. In what dictionary is "fear" defined as "being self centered with little to no regard for others"?   that isn't even remotely the definition of fear.

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