It Takes 7-10 Years to Build

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40 Comments on “It Takes 7-10 Years to Build”

  1. well im currently building a 24500 square meter building own a hotel 2 houses severeal complexes and own a mercedes and a porche.Also owner of 2 restaurants . And i assure its all true come meet me and i ll show you. i mean this guy is inspirational but there is enough space for criticzim in his video they have good quality but are way to optimistic and its that sense of optimism that makes people to go bankrupt you must have a balance between dreamfulness and reality.

  2. This is v Good for motivation in this Life (y), I hope people are this motivated and obsessed with the standard of their lives after this life as well!
    it can't be that we want a great life on this planet and have planned and imagined nothing for the next…when we have died, No?

  3. 6:53 "You and I may never meet each other, ever!"
    I live half way across the world. But I will meet you 5 years from now to personally thank you for all the great advises you give when I'm finally successful.

  4. i just would like to say that, my future rental houses are beeing built right now and in 4 years they will be done,my porsche panamera will be delivered to me in 6 years,my company makes 100k month and just keep groing,my gym have a lot of memberships and this boosts my income every month and i am glad to be alive, because i am fucking awesome.

  5. Hi Patrick I use to say I would love to meet you Which happened in June 28-29 Texas Dallas and one to one on 29 th June its was a Dream trip to America as it was my First trip to America for India thanks for being Part of lIfe by being a Virtual to Real Mentor

  6. I learned here the mistake that most people make, Is that they expect things to happen fast and it just doesn't. It takes time is what people forget. Ready to put my head down, and start working

  7. im watching this video and smiling throughout the whole thing because somehow seeing people succeed just makes me happy. I like the part when you said you just put your head down and got to work. so i will leave this comment here and get back to work. Have a good one Pat

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