Motivational Video for Self Development: How to deal with an INTJ if you’re an INFJ -Personal Growth

Motivational Video for Self Development, Learn How to deal with an INTJ if you’re an INFJ and improve Personal Growth. Specifics that can improve your relationship with the INTJ in your life.

Click the link below for Self development Ebook.
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Advice for Personal Relationships Growth and way of Success | How to Deal with an ENFJ as an INFJ | ENFJ-INFJ Relationships

Personal Development and Relationships Growth Video | How to Deal with an ESTP if you are an INFJ | Making ESTP-INFJ Relationships

Relationships Growth Video for Personal Development | How to Deal with an ENTJ as an INFJ

Relationships Growth Video for Self Development | How to Deal with an ISFP as an INFJ

Personal Growth Video | Way to Improve ESTJ-INFJ Relationships in your Life

Personal Growth | INFJ-INFJ Relationships Improvement in your Life | How to Deal with an INFJ if you’re also an INFJ

Self Development and ESFP-INFJ Relationships Improvement Video | How to deal with an ESFP if you’re an INFJ

Personal Relationships Growth Video | How to Deal with an ENTP if you’re an INFJ | ENTP-INFJ Relationships Improvement to get Success in Life

Relationships Growth Video for Personal Development | How to Deal with an ENFP as an INFJ

Self Development Motivational Video: How to deal with an ISFJ if you’re an INFJ | Personal Growth

Motivational Video for Personality Development | INTP-INFJ Relationships Improvement

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14 Comments on “Motivational Video for Self Development: How to deal with an INTJ if you’re an INFJ -Personal Growth”

  1. I totally get your brother. We can't get seriously on the people with Fe as their main or secondary function because.. they don't seem very rational to us..

  2. I am an INTJ and I'm not cold at all. Actually people gravitate towards me and it annoys the hell out of me. I do like to plain things out and always picture how things will play out throughout my day. I want to kick certain people off me and it frustrating to me when they are up all in my space

  3. I'm an INFJ married to an INTJ. What you say here is true. As soon as I "allowed" her to do her things her way, we started to get along much better. Once in a while I'll try my things her way to see what happens. Results are often amazing. She is open to my suggestions when I give only one at a time. No lists allowed. :)

  4. I'm an INTJ and even though you're not trying to make anyone laugh or smile with this video, you seem to certainly radiate warmth ^_^ That's what I love about INFJs….my mother is one. Believe me, we pick it up and we love when people are jsut being themselves around us :)

  5. I know it's an old video, but I'm wondering – what's the most important thing to think of when interacting with Fe-users? How should a Te-user most efficiently interact with this function?

  6. As an intj people hate me…they gather together to stop my progress in work and school.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video!
    I found out my Co-Founder is an INTJ recently. Have to say it wasn't a huge surprise but I still appreciate the insight in your video. This was the first time I've actively discovered someone else's type in the interest of strengthening a relationship. It's actually been a great success. No longer do I waste time wondering why his responses are often short and void of emotion. And he understands that my recharging time can be much more withdraw and disconnected than his own – especially when I'm stretched to the limit. The other day he even asked how I was feeling…which means he's implementing the learning as well.
    INTJ and INFJ are cousins so we have many similarities but like you said, without true understanding, that can be even more problematic.
    Not surprisingly, I'm the dreamer, big-picture strategist and creativity. He's much more factual and a scheduling/budgeting rockstar. Cheers!

  8. Thank you for the interesting talk.  I have a question about one thing you mentioned in the video.  You said when you played chess with your brother you always try new things whether they work or not.  What function do you think is this?  Ni or Ti?  I am somewhat confused on the description of the functions because different sources give different explanations.  For me, when I use Ni, I would try to find out what is the general principle underlying different strategies that worked.  This insight may help to generate new strategies depend on different situations, but it does not exclude working strategies. I would act according to the principle, if the principle suggests in situation A, I should use an old strategy, I would use the old strategy.  If the principle suggests in situation B, I should use a strategy that is not develop before, I would use the new strategy. The key thing for me is to forget all strategies because they are only superficial manifestations of the underlying principle. When I do Ti, I critically evaluate the principle I developed, for example, is it logically coherent? can the principle truly explains all the strategies I know?  Because the principles are difficult to find, I usually think more than I try.  When you said you constantly try novel strategies, my first thought is that this is Ne, which helps you finding more principles/possibilites rather than reducing to one or few principles.  But my understanding could be wrong, it would be really interesting to know other INFJs' understanding of their functions. Thanks.

  9. i don't know if i am biased with my personal intj infj relationship ( am the infj) but the word is to let go

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