Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Negative Thoughts, Fear, Stress & Self Doubt

Negative Thoughts, Fear, Stress & Self Doubt are no fun for anyone! Whether you are on a spiritual journey, finding your life purpose, studying self development or not! Negative thoughts just might be the number one cause of failure and ruined goal setting.

I invite you to truly harness the present moment and create an empowered psychic relationship with your own mind. Mental Mastery is no joke, it can get confusing at times. Just know that you can choose your thoughts, and that is the only place to start.

Many times thorughout the day you will notice nagative thought spirals, trying to distract you or pull you of course. The moment this happens, MEET THEM FACE TO FACE, and you will realize they have no face, and its only up to you whether you want to entertain them any further!




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26 Comments on “Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Negative Thoughts, Fear, Stress & Self Doubt”

  1. I have been having bad thoughts about God and Jesus and i love them and the thoughts i have i don't mean and i'm scared.

  2. Amazing, I've been having horrible thoughts and am seeing a psychiatrist Tuesday, and this really helped as well

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble but you cannot choose your thoughts!   yes you can think 'purple watermelon' for a few seconds but later the mind regains control and runs the show again.  Your mind has been in control of you since about age 8 so that's a long time and it doesn't like being pushed around – it literally has a mind of its own!  it takes a lot more than just trying to think a few positive thoughts to gain control.  Learning to pause your thoughts starts to break the habit as the mind then starts to realize that it is losing it's grip.  It won't like losing its power so it will fight back with more distractions than ever   so be prepared  but persist   Rome wasn't built in a day – it only seems like it!

  4. This really helped me out. I've been having this anxiety and negative bad thoughts for over 2 years. I never knew how to stop it. Thank you so much. 

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