Powerful and Practical Google Calendar Based Time Management Strategies w/ Phyllis Khare

Introducing TimeBliss.ME using Google Calendar with Phyllis Khare http://phylliskhare.com/timeblissoffer

“My time tracking and calendar blocking is on hyper drive and I am so much more productive. And more importantly, I see where I need to say no, I see I need to raise rates to afford to have more free time, I see I need to delegate more. I tell you seriously. This is one of those moments in my career that I will remember as one of the most pivotal.” — Jason T. Wiser

Moving from a Checklist to a Calendar-Based System

If you take your Checklist and physically put the items ON the calendar in a way that honors the amount of time each one needs — you get a big fat reality check.

If you do this this process of putting everything on your never-ending checklist physically on a calendar — you will see that there is not enough time in a day to do all the things you need to do. It’s a big reality check for some people. Listen — I’m fully a member of the Super-Woman club. I truly used to think I could do everything, somehow bending time to my will. “I will complete this checklist by golly.” But, I was more stressed than ever. I was not a very good CEO of my own life.

How do we get more free time?
There’s no magic to this — as a first step, you just need to put everything on your calendar — everything. Everything. Then, take a look at what you’ve created for yourself. At this point you will probably have to make some decisions. You’ll need to decide what’s important and what’s not.

LISTEN to your calendar. Is it telling you you’ve taken on too many projects? Have you taken on tasks that you are not skilled to do? Are you doing things that would be better done by someone else? It becomes VERY clear when you use a calendar-based time management system

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