14 Comments on “Richard Wiseman Busting Self Help Myths (and telling us what DOES work)”

  1. LOL………..Most of what I achieved have come from my visualization…..! What the heck he is talking about!! Trying to get attention by opposing visualization? 

  2. He needs to come in at a different angle to sell his book. The Paul Mc Kenna books really did have a massive effect on me. This isn't really getting to what holds people back. It's crap to be honest.

  3. I bought the book today , there is nothing helpful in there . It's quite boring and nothing new that can help you. I am taking it back tomorrow to get my money back. It's the same old same old.

  4. When I saw it I kind of wondered: why had he done such a gesture? It seemed quite intentional for me, too.

  5. the point is, you hear from people whovisualised something and succeeded,not from the many thousands more who visualised and failed.its like old fortunetelling tricks lie saying you will meet a tall dark stranger, and suddenly you do.visualisation may help you clarify your goals but is wish fulfilment bafflegab

  6. Ha ha – he is correct that visualizing does not " make it so" … I remember an explicit example of that:

    An MMA fight I saw once on TV .. in the pre-fight interview one of the fighters explained how he had visualized the fight and then himself standing afterwards with his arm being raised in victory..

    About two minutes later he was lying on the floor bleeding and thinking he should have been practicing and training a lot more and visualizing a lot less.

  7. Ha! Yeesh I'm so glad I don't make videos.
    One swallow or eyebrow twitch and it's over!

    "Did you see his adams apple bob? he clearly is full of misgivings…misgivings I tell you!" 🙂

  8. I think he is off, on subject of visualization.. There is loads of evidence that support visualization is effective. Among the the evidence includes info from a recent book "The Outliers".. "Tipping Point" is also has correlating inf that people become what they think about. And to get their they need the emotional support. And if emotional support is not coming from their environment, they can create it by creating it, including listening to motivational speakers, reading motivational books etc

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