12 Comments on “The Victorious Attitude (How to Succeed in Life), Self-Development Audiobook by Orison Swett Marden”

  1. Excellent book thanks for posting!! Orison Swett Marden this brother was truly enlightened. What wisdom and revelation.

  2. this book attempts to teach you to be a delusional buffoon with a messiah complex

  3. Who the hell got 7 hours to listen to this shit?

    Cliff notes motherfucker, use them.

  4. The 'Beautiful China' ad came up before this: how incongruous – I've just come from reading an horrific report on the annual midsummer dog-eating festival in Yulin, China, where over 10,000 dogs are beaten, hacked and blowtorched to death. Beautiful China it ain't.

  5. wow i was 14 when i first heard this entire video and ive got to say, just the start of it made my life change i am 17 now and to be honest this is the best thing anyone could ever hear , THANK YOU

  6. I cannot believe I had never hear of Orison Swett Marden before. What an incredible book! So much of it could be applied to solve many of this nation's problems today. Thank you very much for uploading. Love begets love.

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