15 Comments on “Time Management Tips Are Really Self-Management Tips!”

  1. Would a person need to go thru that other "not important" 200 emails, someday or some other time. I mean do effective people ignore 200 emails & answer only 1 important one. Yes its important use of your time but you have to draft "low time" to catch/clear things up

  2. I agree, time management is actually self management. Deciding what's better to spend your time with on some task that can help you become more productive is a matter of what you choose.

  3. awesome… simply awesome.. i was browsing online doing an assignment for class and came across this video.. its great! ive been worrying about trying to get stuff into my days and now i really see that its not about what i have time for but what i give time to. thank you for uploading this video! its very helpful

  4. I completely agree, and the way you ended the video is a great quote, "You can't manage time. All you can manage is your decisions about how you're going to spend your day, and what you're going to do."

  5. You have a great insight there.. I really believed that the time management tips are self management tips indeed. If you're going to change your life by time management.. You must discipline yourself first in order to achieve that.

  6. Wow, great video. I could not agree more. It's up to us how are we gonna spend our time, so we MUST spend it wisely. It really should be self management rather than time management.

  7. The reality about time management… He is emphasizing – instead of thinking "Time Management" think about "Self Management" also he said “Is not doing as much as possible, it makes as much progress as possible”.

    Mmm… I would high light that (“self-management comes from self-awareness”).

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