21 Comments on “WordPress Development Tutorials – pt 18: Advanced Custom Fields”

  1. Is the "Wordpress Development Tutorials" list going to be continued? I followed it until this video, it was really good but a loot of issues haven't been mentioned yet, such as custom loop for blog template, front page slider etc

  2. i am new on wordpress, can anyone tell me from where i can found this code in wordpress.

  3. My options are hidded. Any idea how to bring them back so that I may change my content editor to hide on screen?

  4. Yes they will need the plugin installed and activated on their version of WordPress. You can export advanced custom fields php code and paste it into the functions.php file. PLEASE, take note that this theme has been updated since this video was posted and that the theme is still in development. Using this in a production environment is at your own risk.

  5. Grat tutorials

    One question
    If im going to send the client the theme and they are going to install it on an other version of wordpress, i will need to install the plug in an re do the fields

  6. Great tuts, thanks.
    when i am done i will try to rebuild it into my own design.
    but i think i've found and improvement. Instead of hardcoding the page id you can get the id from wordpress. assuming the title you want to display is always on the page where your custom field is.

    instead of hardcoding the ID you can use: $post->ID

  7. This looks like an ideal plugin for customizing the home page – adding widget sections like call to actions, a latest post widget and stuff like twitter feed etc, all easily editable for a client.

  8. Yes. That will be covered in the next video when I briefly go over custom post types. We'll be using Advanced Custom Fields to loop through Slides. Thanks for watching!

  9. Thank you for your Awesome tutorials, they have been really helpful getting to learn PHP and WordPress. I like how streamlined and relevant your information is. Will you be showing how to integrate the slider soon?

  10. Thanks for all your tuts, they are extremely easy to follow and super informative. As a graphic designer I am finally starting to wrap my head around WordPress thanks to you!

  11. Thanks for a great set of tutorials which I have found really useful. One thing I have noticed is that the search doesn't work properly – is it possible to have a tutorial on creating a search template and perhaps also the ability to place the search box somewhere other than the sidebar (perhaps in the main navbar) – this would also be useful for learning how to place other widgets.

  12. Hi. Is it possible to get a screencast on how to use ajax loading with posts and wordpress as a general

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