WordPress Page Templates (Theme Development)

In this lesson we learn how to use page templates and conditional logic to apply different layouts to different WP pages. Through July 21st save 60% off my premium 8 hour HTML & CSS video course: https://www.udemy.com/web-design-for-beginners-real-world-coding-in-html-css/?couponCode=learncssnow11

To view a complete list of the WordPress lessons in sequential order visit:

Link to download .zip of theme files as shown in this video (note: this is not a “complete” WordPress theme yet and this download is only intended for educational purposes to dissect and review):

WordPress Page Templates Tutorial

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27 Comments on “WordPress Page Templates (Theme Development)”

  1. At 6:22 my Two column title layout doesnt work, footer jumps up through text. But when I delete title-column and text-column in style.css it is ok. Any ideas?

  2. Hi. If I wanted the header to sit in the middle would I write 'float:middle' ? I'm completely new to coding etc. so sorry if I'm completely wrong lol.

  3. Great tutorials man!!! – trying to keep up while I work on my own stuff… just that my CSS is awfully messy.

  4. template option is missing in page attributes pannel any solution ?? :/

  5. Hey +LearnWebCode , awesome tutorials !! Your videos have given me the confidence to not only build my first theme but to try other things like create a single page home page. The problem I am having atm is that I would like the conditional if statement to target front-page.php is that possible?

  6. Instead of the conditional logic method could i use a switch statement?

  7. Thanks for this tutorial, really helpful. I don't think I'm ready to start building my own themes yet, but this gave me good understanding of how everything works. I'm probably going to modify an existing theme with this information.

  8. Thanks for your tutorials it's really helping me making new theme which i was afraid of.

    How can i add my data dynamically to this text box? 
    as like we post..

  9.  Hy, really great tutorials, i finnaly understanded some of the concepts of WP, and i know now how to create some things (untill now i created only HTML/CSS websites on my own, not published or sold one), and i found WP pretty different because of the PHP, but with your tutorials (wich are way better than the others on the internet) i got to understand a lot.
     Anyway, i think (if you didn't already) you should "explain" what's with the clearfix in the css file. First of all, because people who are really new in webdesign may not understand why is that for, and the second reason, beacuse a lot of the viewers (inculding me) can miss that from the file, not put it in their code, and when they'll change the look of the portofolio page, all will gonna be messed up.
     If you already explained that in an early video, or in another one, and i missed it, i'm sorry, and thank you for your tutorials, I hope you continue with this good content  and sorry for my bad english

  10. I created a "News page" for posting articles. I also want to have some custom code for banner on the top. So the articles will be under. I created page-news.php to do custom banner. How do u do put blog posting and other custom code together?

  11. Hi! Thanks for the awesome tutorials you make!
    Can you pls tell me what editor do you use or suggest? And pls tell me how do you do that "<div bla-bla><!– bla-bla –> … </div><!– /bla-bla –>" multi line autocomplete thing.
    Thanks :D

  12. Why is it that I find this free tutorial more useful than the tutorials on template development on lynda.com which I pay for? Awesome tutorial. Thanks dude.

  13. I wanna ask you-  when i want to make special layout, i cant because i cant see the option template, just parent and order, what should i do? many thanks

  14. Why when I change to Month and name and then click on some page it send me to Not Found

    The requested URL /wordpress/contact/ was not found on this server.

  15. Awesome tutorial series!

    First one I've encountered that shows WordPress for what it is: simple and powerful. I've postponed learning WordPress for way too long now. Thank you for ending my procrastination!

  16. I have to join in saying, thank you! These videos are great! You're good at explaining and taking it step by step. Keep it up! Looking forward to see you doing some more advanced stuff too!

  17. I dont know why but in my WP theme it doesnt work. I made everythink like you did in last tutorials. Now I changed the permalink setting and when I click on a menu I see info "The requested URL /portfolio/ was not found on this server." And I dont know why ;/

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