Installing WordPress on a Synology NAS

Installing WordPress on a Synology NAS is a very simple process as the guys and gals at Synology have provided a package to install it.

All you will need to do is install the ‘Web Station’ and ‘MySQL’ before selecting ‘WordPress’ from the packages menu. You will then be guided to configure the WordPress Site name, admin account and password and you will be ready to go.

I’ve installed it as part of my WordPress test and development environment.

12 Comments on “Installing WordPress on a Synology NAS”

  1. i see your url is now your ip-adres. How do i change it to my own bought

  2. OK, when i enabled it, it didnt made the folder. I set the DS back to root
    and configured everything works now =) Thank you for your support

  3. I just get the window when my browser coulnt find the website, any ideas? i
    have to say i had wordpress already installed once, but deinstalle dit
    then. Could this be a reason?

  4. i do exactly the same, but it doesnt work…do i have to do something prior
    to this?

  5. as long as you ensure you’ve installed ‘Web Station’ and MySQL’ is should
    be pretty straight forward … do you get any errors?

  6. Virtual host doesn’t work with WordPress on Synology. It gives a broken
    link and the URL still has the trailing “/wordpress” subdirectory.. Any way
    around that so that it just points and displays your domain name so it’s
    clean? ex. w w w[.]domain[.]ca instead of w w w[.]domain[.]ca/wordpress…

  7. if you chose the defaults then I think if you go to the IP address of your
    diskstation then you should get a ‘Hello, Welcome to Synology Web Station’
    page … if you don’t then the webstation may not be running … to get to
    wordpress then it will probably be IP address of the Synology follow by
    wordpress. e.g. ipaddress/wordpress. To check the folder wordpress is
    installed it then use explorer to browse the your diskstation/web folder
    and there should be a folder that contains wordpress

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