Python Epiphanies

Stuart Williams
This tutorial is for software developers who’ve been using Python with success for a while but are looking for a deeper understanding of the language. It demystifies a number of language features that are often misunderstood.

27 Comments on “Python Epiphanies”

  1. Thank You,
    One of The best python classes i've ever seen so far. Straight on pace, very informative, and really USEFUL DETAILS, I wish there is a lot more classes on that line out there :)

  2. Then also this "two names for the same variable" think – think of it as one object with two names … but why?  What is the big picture of this, why have two names for the same object?  It seems like a waste?

  3. The URL for the handout is changed. It's here (

  4. "It appears that youtube inserts unprintable characters, perhaps to foil putting in URLs."

    The problem seems to be that URLs don't contain spaces and YouTube inserts (normally invisible) soft hyphens into long words to aid the browser with breaking long lines.

  5. If they can't figure out that (dot) isn't a valid URL address then they probably don't need to be there. lol

  6. a los que sean usuarios de python porfavor recomienden este video. Lo que explica este experto es extraordinario tanto para iniciados como para experimentados

  7. Parece realmente interesante. Ahora a ver cómo encuentro un par de horas libres para verlo con atención.

  8. Very good presetation, it make me more clear on those topics.
    For those got 404,copy the url to Notepad,remove '-s' before .pdf, then copy back to address bar.

  9. I can't watch it. The constant grunting he does, trying to clear his throat every 2-5 mins, just makes me nuts. I downloaded the pdf… looks interesting.

  10. Perhaps you could persuade the video poster to add it into the video description properly.

  11. Don't copy/paste and edit the address, type it in manually ( It appears that youtube inserts unprintable characters, perhaps to foil putting in URLs.

  12. "OOOH, that's how that does that. OOO, that's how that works." Thanks for all the effort you and whoever put into this. This was very helpful (and enjoyable).

  13. It works for me, although the "n" in Epiphanies shows up as on odd character when I copy/paste it. Notice it's .ca, not .com.

  14. You'll want the handout to follow along, it's available at swilliams(dot)ca/Python-Epiphanies.pdf


  15. This is actually pretty cool. Not the easiest to digest, but certainly something that you need to learn if you want to be great with Python.

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