Zero to 60 in Software Development: How to Jumpstart Your Career – Forward 4 Web Summit

Our industry has a problem. We have a “talent shortage,” so we’re loading the industry with new developers from various bootcamps, but they’re having trouble finding jobs because many companies are unwilling to hire and train them. So these new developers are left to themselves to try and find ways to develop the skills they need to be “marketable.”

Kent C. Dodds graduated from college in April 2014, just shy of two years ago. In that time, he’s been able to learn a ton, build a bunch of stuff, teach workshops, create egghead screencasts, speak at conferences, and generally contribute quite a bit to the JavaScript community. In this talk, Kent covers some solid principles of things that he’s learned in his experience. This will help new-comers to jumpstart their career. And help old-timers know how they can help new-comers.

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8 Comments on “Zero to 60 in Software Development: How to Jumpstart Your Career – Forward 4 Web Summit”

  1. Its easy to write a derogatory comment here if you're a voracious learner, hard worker, skilled and technically proficient individual who is not male or white.

    Its also easy to hear this young man's story and see an industry living up to its meritocratic promise that opportunity will find any properly motivated and productive individual.

    A tale of two worlds.

  2. Great advice on getting up to speed and jumpstarting your career. is rad! It was great hearing how you got started with that.

  3. he wasn't using privilege the way that SJWs do guys, he was just saying that having a computer gives you a bit of an advantage over ppl that don't when it comes to software development. pretty obvious stuff

  4. "Ahhh ohhhhhh … I am white guy with privilege… I am so soooorryyyy… there are people who can't get access to laptop … ohhh I am so sooooryyy to be white PRIVILIGED guy…. I am sooooo PRIVILIGED…. I am soooooryyy… " What the fuck ??? What the hell is with this young people these days ???

  5. Sorry but I stopped watching when he started blathering about privilege then apologized for not being able to change his privilege. I thought this video was going to be about software development, not white guilt. Can't believe this clown has been asked to speak at multiple places. Must be a severe lack of people willing to give talks on software development.

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