Advanced Introduction to JavaScript

Some software developers have an impression that JavaScript is a second-league interpreted language with the main purpose of making Web pages a little prettier. The reality is different though. JavaScript is a powerful, flexible, dynamically typed language that supports object-oriented programming. JavaScript functions are the first class citizen that can live their own lives as opposed to Java’s methods. HTML5 becomes a new buzzword, but 80% of development time on such projects is spent writing JavaScript code.This presentation is a super-intensive overview of the modern JavaScript programming language.
This screencast is recorded by Yakov Fain for the Fifth Annual Farata Symposium on Software Development.

22 Comments on “Advanced Introduction to JavaScript”

  1. Thanks for Your nice presentation. its easy to understand, cause i am Bangladeshi. :)

  2. Thank you for the presentation. I never get the concept of closure, but now I get the feeling of it. Thanks again.

  3. I wish I had watched this video when I first starting learning JavaScript!

  4. I am a java developer currently working a big extjs.  It is really hard to start coding in javascript after being in Java mindset for such a long time.  I can't tell you how helpful this tutorial has been.

  5. This was incredibly useful, I found many videos but most move too slow or are more concerned with theory. This video is a perfect introduction for people who know some kind of C-like language and want a quick introduction to JS.

  6. AWESOME tutorial..just the kind of tutorial i was looking for.Thanks for your time. YOU ROCK!!!

  7. Is the code at min 23:03 correct?
    function createPerson() = {
    it should not be
    function createPerson() {


  8. I'm Turkish and it's a joy to watch a Russian speaking english. Thank you, literally.

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